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Exploring AI for Training:

DATEV's AI-Assisted Learning Journey 

Discover how DATEV's proof of concept with Stellar Labs integrated GEAR and AI into their training approach.
Dr Markus Ernst
Head of Innovation Management
Lina-Katya Branzka
Project Lead Business Development

8971 Employees

Nuremberg, Germany

Onboarded Feb 2024

Software provider

Their challenge

DATEV is one of Europe's largest software houses with over 200 software products and services, with expertise in tax consultancy and financial accounting. They have a major focus on data protection and employee wellbeing.

DATEV aimed to explore the impact of GenAI on creating learning content, the learning experience and the mentor/learner relationship. They looked for an experienced partner with a compelling solution and chose Stellar Labs because of the outstanding GEAR methodology. DATEV rapidly deployed and evaluated use cases on a range of topics.

The use case impact

Within 2 months - designed, delivered and evaluated the use case.

88% of users found the GEAR structure was helpful and very clear.

Achieved 86% completion rates with GEAR methodology because mangers actively involved in learning transfer.

100% users said platform easy to use. Users progressed quickly & effectively to achieve key objectives.

The collaboration with the Stellar Labs team was outstanding - their tool is a great introduction for us to explore AI-supported learning.

Dr Markus Ernst

Head of Innovation Management








Average progress
POC use case

Continuous development

Spontaneous adoption: people continue to create tailored programmes weekly and invite colleagues to collaborate.

A baseline has been set to continue to mature a data led learning culture.

Get on board with us

Structure an outcome focused learning journey in minutes. Launch in days.

Stellar labs learning transfer platform interface