While digital learning has become increasingly common in recent years, social distancing restrictions and lockdown measures prompted by the pandemic have greatly accelerated the move from face-to-face towards online learning delivery.
original article by CIPD: https://www.cipd.co.uk/knowledge/fundamentals/people/development/effective-virtual-classrooms
While digital learning has become increasingly common in recent years, social distancing restrictions and lockdown measures prompted by the pandemic have greatly accelerated the move from face-to-face towards online learning delivery. And this trend is expected to continue.
But what do we know about the effectiveness of virtual classrooms? What approaches work or don’t work? This evidence review looks at the challenges and success factors in virtual classes or webinars where people can interact directly to provide evidence-based insight on the skills sets, methods and techniques that support digital learning.
Although some people may prefer face-to-face learning, evidence suggests virtual classrooms can be just as successful if they are well designed and delivered.
L&D practitioners and managers can ensure their virtual classrooms are built for success through:
Structure an outcome focused learning journey in minutes. Launch in days.
insights about how to engage learners from a round table of L&D specialists
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